Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Broccili Surprise Tofu Scramble

Although this dish is free of cabbage or potatoes, I thought this predominantly green meal was well suited for St. Patrick's Day.

This is a pretty simple tofu scramble, but the sunflower seeds and avocado give it a little something special. Top 'o the mornin' to you!

1/2 onion, chopped

1 head of broccoli, chopped

1 package extra firm tofu, crumbled

2 T fresh basil

1/4 c parsley, chopped

salt and pepper

 4 T toasted sunflower seeds

2 T bragg's liquid aminos


hot sauce (I like srirotcha or valentina's)

  • Saute onion in cast iron skillet, until tender.
  • Add broccoli, cook another minute or two, then add tofu and salt and pepper.
  • Continue to cook until tofu starts to brown. Then add basil and parsley and bragg's.  Cook another minute or two.
  • Turn heat off and sprinkle with sunflower seeds. 
  • Top each serving with avocado slices or chunks and hot sauce.

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