Thursday, March 19, 2009

Tempeh Hash

I am attempting to cut down on processed soy products and tofu. Soy is difficult for a lot of people to digest... I'm starting to suspect, myself included. Because tempeh is fermented and uses the whole soy bean, it is more easily digested than tofu as well as higher in protein, dietary fiber and vitamins.  

This recipe is this morning's experiment with tempeh. It was pretty good. I wasn't feeling terribly creative, so I didn't go crazy with seasoning it, I just kept it simple.  

1 small onion, sliced

1 package of tempeh, crumbled

1 c kale, torn

4 small potatoes, chopped

2 cloves garlic, minced 

1 carrot, shredded

3 T braggs

salt and pepper

hot sauce 

  • In a large pot, steam potatoes until almost done.
  • In a cast iron skillet, saute onion until almost translucent. 
  • Add tempeh, garlic, kale and potatoes then cook until kale is wilted, stirring occasionally.
  • Season with braggs, salt and pepper and top with hot sauce if you wish.

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